Track offset not possible

Status 142


After starting from the opposite wall, the appliance reaches the maximum track length before an offset is possible


Pool with liner: the cleaning robot is attaching itself to the liner by suction:

  • Activate liner program
  • Reduce pump performance in steps, see "Cleaning program setting and Drive malfunction in liner pool"

The appliance is blocked, for instance by a tangled up floating cable:

  • Remove the blockage

The cleaning robot has reached an obstacle near the bottom (e.g. nozzle, barrier):

  • Remove the blockage

Insufficient traction as a consequence of a reduction in suction pressure due to clogged filters:

  • Clean filters

No wall contact detected. Wall detection via shock sensors is not sensitive enough or the motor current monitoring is not sensitive enough:

The appliance has not found a flat spot for the offset:

  • "Inc Curve Range" setting.